Everybody Okay?

Everybody Okay? -christyfitzwater.com

Word association: September. Go.

Dramatic (traumatic?) re-entry into routine. Soccer games. Programs at church starting back up again. Winterizing (a Montana thing.) Loud sighing. Increased desire for coffee.

Are we tired, people?

At school, I have a metal ring hanging on my bulletin board, with bright cardstock pages attached to it. In case of a fire alarm, I’m supposed to grab that ring and hold it up when my class gets outside, to show if I have all my people or if I’m missing somebody.

Well, September has felt fire drill fast to me, so I’m asking –do we have everybody? Anybody feel trapped in this month that has licked flames at our heels every day?

Sure would like to hold up the card that says, “All present and accounted for.”

I can’t make these last few weeks easier for you, but I can look you in the eye and say, “Breathe, friend. Breathe. I care about you.”

The writer of Hebrews gives us this command:

Let us encourage one another…”  (Hebrews 10:25 NIV)

That’s a really challenging command when we’re all about to drop in our boots. I’m worn out. You’re worn out. But maybe we could all take a few minutes today, to check on someone else.

In my first year of teaching (i.e., drowning), the wonderful teacher across the hall would come out of her room at the end of the day and say, “Well, we did it!” Then she would give me a tight squeeze, and off we would go to do school work. It meant a lot to get a 60-second pep talk from someone who made a point to care about me, even though she was just as fatigued as I was.

So I’ll say to you, “We’re doing it! We’re gonna make it!”

Pass it on.


  1. I am here! Took my class to the Apple Orchard today! It was a much needed break. Seems like I just posted the empty September calendar in my classroom and wooosh we added number 23!

  2. Allison McIntosh says:

    Thank you Christy! I’m ever grateful that as you walk this road with us, that you are ever mindful and attentive to the Holy Spirit. It seems with each post I stop and think, “how is this precious woman inside of my head and heart and how does she know exactly how to encourage me, time and time again?!” This month has been a wild ride into the uncharted blue yonder. And has anyone else ever brewed a cup of coffee with their Keurig and forgotten to put a cup underneath? For the record it leaves fresh hot coffee all underneath your dishwasher and cabinets…on a bright note my kitchen smells like a coffee shop now! Love and prayers to yaw from NC-and I assure you we would love your prayers for us here as well!

    1. Well, I have brewed coffee without the plastic bucket in place, which has the same effect! I think, “What is that strange sound?” And then I have to mop the counters and floor -and it’s happened on more than one occasion!! 🙂

  3. Jeannette says:

    Thank you. Beyond words. Thank you. I needed to hear the “we”.
    This has been a lousy week.
    I’m not ready for fall. I like the cooler weather, I like the beautiful blue skies, the beautiful colored leaves (I don’t know if you get them in Montana? In VT, they’re plentiful in the fall. I just learned a few years ago it’s because of the maple trees. I’ve lived here all my life and didn’t know one tree from the next 🙁 ), but I’m just not ready for the fact the season will be over in a couple months and then it will be very cold winter for a very long time.
    Thank you.
    I enjoy all your uplifting, inspiring blogs.

    1. It is hard to face winter sometimes! I like the cold, but I miss taking walks on summer evenings with my husband.

  4. Love this! As a former elementary school teacher, I can certainly relate. Thanks for the reminder that we need to encourage one another in love while in the trenches of life.

  5. this touched me so, so deeply. you captured exactly how these last few weeks have felt. just dropped off kids at school, heading to work, high school football tonight, weekend is way-too-full. at some point we need groceries… laundry is overflowing. i feel uncentered – overwhelmed – unable to find focus when I do my Bible study….ugh!!!! thank you thank you thank you for the reminder that in Him we have peace. and that this too shall pass 🙂

    1. Sometimes it’s just good to know you’re not alone! So many around you are struggling to get into rhythm at this time of year, too. And why do these people always need to eat and have clean clothes! 🙂

  6. Aimee Weller says:

    Thank you. So needed this today.

    1. AWANA leaders get extra points for holding it together in September!!! Love you, friend!

  7. I want to thank you for this encouragement and just tell you that every single post you send speaks to me. I am so thankful God led me to your books and posts. Please hang in there yourself as September ends..

    1. You made tears come to my eyes. Thank you, sister. I appreciate the return encouragement!

    2. I couldn’t agree more!? You’ve made a wonderful difference in this world Mrs. Fitzwater.

  8. So encouraging! Thank you!

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